Get Their Attention: The Right Topics for Your Restaurant Blog
Nowadays, more than ever, people love to read online reviews before deciding on any type of purchase. No matter if they are looking for a great hotel where they will spend their vacation or they just want to find a nice restaurant to have dinner, people like to know as much as possible about places they intend to visit. This is where your restaurant blog can come in handy.
That is why they read endless online reviews, especially about restaurants and bars. These reviews are so popular and important these days that over 90% of US diners are influenced by them. But what if there are not enough reviews of your restaurant online? Or if you want to stand out from the crowd by allowing your customers to find out more about your restaurant without these reviews?

If you are looking for different ways to introduce your restaurant to anyone who looks for it online, you should definitely start thinking about creating a restaurant blog because it is such a powerful marketing tool.
Why should you create a restaurant blog?
Creating a restaurant blog can require a lot of effort, there is no point denying that. However, once you get used to blogging regularly, it will become a huge part of your marketing strategy.
The main reason why you should start blogging as soon as possible is the fact that a blog allows you to create powerful messages that will resonate with your target audience. And unlike online reviews, you are in full control of what is written. You get to decide what you want to write, what you want to share with all your customers.
Another huge reason why you should create a restaurant blog is that it will allow you to become an expert in your niche, someone whose blog people will enjoy reading. And because of that, people will look up to you and your restaurant will attract so many new customers. Your restaurant will be regarded as one of the best locally since you share so much about your brand, motivation and the way you do business.
Finally, you will be able to build lasting relationships with your existing customer base. Once you open the door to your kitchen and you take them behind the scenes, your customers will begin to have a much stronger relationship with your brand, because they will feel as if they are a part of the brand.
How do you choose topics for a restaurant blog?
This can be a bit tricky since there aren’t too many lovely restaurant blogs out there and there is almost no one to look up to when you start your blog. But don’t get scared, we got your back! So here are some topic ideas for your blog that you will enjoy writing and your customers will love reading.
1. Behind the scenes
Oh, who doesn’t love watching behind the scenes of movies and music videos? This way fans get to know people they admire a bit more. The same principle applies to behind the scenes restaurant blog posts. You can show how your staff prepares food, or how your team is involved in some local community charity. Don’t be afraid to let customers know more about you and your staff, they will love it for sure!
2. Recipes and cooking techniques
While there is no need to share the exact way how you prepare the food that you serve in your restaurant, you can include some interesting how-to guides on creating a huge variety of dishes, sauces and even cocktails! Come up with some fun seasonal dishes for Christmas or Thanksgiving, help all moms with creating lunch boxes for their kids or let your bartender create some awesome cocktails. The possibilities as endless if you use a bit of imagination!
3. Restaurant updates
There is no better way to notify your customers on menu changes or some seasonal discounts than using your restaurant blog. You can even talk about job openings or how to become a part of your team. No matter what kind of news you have about your restaurant, write everything in your blog and notify your customers.
Now that you know what kind of blog posts you should write and how you should choose topics that will resonate with your customers, it is time to start blogging. Use your restaurant blog to educate and entertain customers, write about your staff, your mission and everything you do. Don’t be afraid to talk about how you work with the local community or whether you help some charities. Customers want to know as much as possible about your restaurant, so use this powerful marketing tool as soon as possible.
What will be your first topic for your restaurant blog?