Spring Cleaning and Your Website — Start Today!

Every year when spring comes, it is the perfect time to scrub down and clean the interior of your restaurant. But, spring cleaning is not just for your restaurant’s premises, though. It is also the ideal time to give the website a thorough examination to ensure everything is in good working order and properly configured to maximize online business potential and earnings. If you are not sure where to start, here are some tips on spring cleaning your website so you can be ready to take on the rest of the year.

Audit All Content

Take an objective look at the content on your restaurant’s website. Make sure the information is up-to-date and focused on promoting new business.

If you plan on adopting a new direction for the year, this is the time to determine the content to keep on your site and what should be deleted. Update your online menu to reflect current offerings and highlight the new dishes you have added to your menu.

Double-check your contact information and physical address to ensure they are correct. While these two pieces of information rarely change, it is not uncommon for a website to get left out of the process when this information changes.

Most importantly, add some fresh content to give existing customers reasons to check your site and blog. Archive older, less relevant blog posts, and get some fresh inspiration flowing on your site.

Rethink Your Site Map

Since you work with your website every day, the navigation options are likely second nature for you. However, they may not be as easy for your customers. Go over your sitemap with a fine-toothed comb, take note of what can be improved and make the necessary changes.

Ask friends, family members and or existing customers to evaluate the ease of your site’s navigation. You can also perform a usability test from a neutral third-party site as well. Rethinking the navigation options on your site will help to make sure it is intuitive and easy for first-time visitors to find whatever they are looking for when they visit the site.

Every customer who gets frustrated and gives up navigating your site is a lost business opportunity. So, an easy to navigate site map is crucial to your long term online success.

Check for Broken Links

Make sure that all internal and external links take your visitors to the intended location rather than a 404 (Page Not Found) error message. Broken links equal fewer conversions and more lost business, so it is crucial that they work properly. Links can become broken with no warning. So, checking for broken links should be performed more frequently than once a year.

Test Your Site On Multiple Browsers

Testing your site on multiple browsers and in different versions is crucial to maintaining a successful website. Adobe BrowserLabs is a program that will emulate various mobile and computer-based web browsers to determine how well your site functions and loads on multiple current and older versions.

While there is a cost associated with the program, it is a great way to ensure everything is running smoothly regardless of how a customer chooses to access your site. Further, if you make changes it will also help you benchmark the website’s performance to prevent a loss in functionality. The minor incidental cost for the knowledge that customers can use your website no matter how they get there will easily come back to you in increased sales.

Evaluate Your Current Online Ordering System

Take note of how well-utilized your online ordering system is. If it is not getting much love from your customers, it is time to refresh that, too. Check into adding a mobile app to support your online ordering and look for ways that a content refresh or change in the system and design can help you grow your online ordering customer base. Online ordering is the future of food service, so you must make sure that your future is user-friendly and readily available.

If you are uncertain about performing your own website spring cleaning or how to make online ordering work for your restaurant, Contact the experts at Orders2.me. We have the expertise and the knowledge to help you upgrade and improve your online ordering experience. We can also help you optimize your website so it is clean and fresh for the remainder of the year. Call us or visit our site today to set up a consultation.