Three Ways to Get Brutally Honest Guest Feedback

To run a successful restaurant, you need to stay up-to-date on your customer’s thoughts and opinions about your food and service quality. Ignoring what customers have to stay is a big mistake and can cost you future business. Start increasing your profits and customer satisfaction today by encouraging customer feedback!

Ask Detailed Questions

One way to obtain brutally honest guest feedback is to ask a detailed question so that customers don’t just reply with a simple yes or no answer. Instead of just asking, “Did you enjoy your meal?” you could ask something like, “What was your favorite part of this great restaurant? The dinner options, the great server, etc.?” Give your customers a chance to be more specific with their feedback. They can offer you helpful advice instead of just a generalized opinion. Plus, if you greet them as one of the family every time they come to your restaurant, they will feel like they have the ability to share honest feedback with you.

Online Feedback

Another way to discover what customers truly think about your business is to use online feedback. While people may not always want to talk to the restaurant staff during their visit, they may be more inclined to brutally rate the quality through an online review platform. Some companies offer digital feedback shortly after a customer orders food. gives restaurants a quicker way to get honest feedback. This company eliminates the need to search for different reviews scattered online by offering a streamlined feedback system.

Look for Unspoken Clues

Sometimes, people are not in the mood to tell you about their disappointment in your service or food. In fact, some people may feel like there is no point in telling the owners of the establishment. One way to notice if a customer is unhappy with the service is by paying attention to the amount of food leftover on a plate. If they do not make a request for the server to pack up the leftovers, you should try to figure out what went wrong. It is common that the most honest feedback may be silent but can be found in customer actions.

Now it is up to you to make improvements to your restaurant, if necessary, based on the honest feedback from your customers. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Invest in your customer’s satisfaction today!